From students and parents: Just a quick note to say thank you for today's session. It was so nice to see R smiling and feeling good about herself as she walked out of your office. She was so proud of herself...thank you ~ mother of high school student with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Today was just a hard day, and you were the kind person with a smile on her face. Thanks so much! You make the world better. -- mother of middle school student with ADHD Just wanted to let you know you would be floored about T as he has all As and Bs and is doing amazing! I wanted to update you on this! He’s like a totally new child!! I wanted to thank you for all your help with everything to get him to This point! Your guidance has meant more than you know! Thank you 🙏-- Mother of high school student with ODD and autism spectrum disorder I just got my acceptance letter and thought of you! Thank you so much for all of your help, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you! -- high school senior with adhd and trauma background I’m moved by your sensitivity...You were such a big help to P yesterday! Such wise things you said to her. -- mother of high school senior with generalized anxiety disorder Hayley had confidence in me before I did.~ high school graduate Your dedication and inspiration allows me to be so successful ~ high school senior
From educators
"Hayley has the intangible quality of bringing out the best in everyone who she comes in contact with," ~ elementary principal "Hayley has exceptional strengths in knowing and understanding best practices, and is able to convert this understanding to easily used instructional supports." ~ K-8 school principal "You get to the soul of teaching; you made me a better teacher." ~ middle school language arts teacher "You made a big difference for students here." ~ district administrator "We've come a long way with your incredible leadership." ~ district reading specialist